Qty Available: 97

Catalog #LF3143

Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) + GlutaMAX I

500 mL



[+] 25 mM D-Glucose

[+] GlutaMAX

[+] 10 mM HEPES

[+] NEAA

[-] Sodium Pyruvate


Application: Mammalian cell culture

Form: liquid

Storage: 2-8°C 

Shelf life: 12 months

Note: DMEM contains no proteins, lipids, or growth factors. Therefore, serum or serum free additives should be added. 0.1μm sterile-filtered.


DMEM high sugar medium is commonly used in cells with fast growth and low adhesion. It can be applied for the culture of various mammalian primary cells as well as cell lines. DMEM with GlutaMAX I supplement minimizes the toxic ammonia build-up and stabilizes cell viability and growth in culture.

Reference: Dulbecco, R. and Freeman, G. (1959) Virology 8:396. 


For research use only.